Bahrain Medical Bulletin
Needle Stick Injuries and Compliance among Doctors and Nurses
Mamoon Matlab, RN, OCN, CCRN, MSc* Seamus Cowman, PhD, MSc, RPN, RGN, RNT, Dip N (London), PGCEA, FFNMRCSI, FAAN** Ali Al-Shagag, MSc (HCM) BSc Nursing, DPN, AD, RN*** Moeen Aboabdo*
* Nursing Manager
Department of Nursing Training and Education
King Hamad University Hospital
** Professor of Nursing and Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery
*** Lecturer
School of Nursing and Midwifery
**** Medical Student
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – Medical University of Bahrain
The Kingdom of Bahrain
E-mail: mamoon.matlab@khuh.org.bh
Needle stick injuries (NSI) as an occupational hazard is a concern to employers and health professionals. The literature shows that NSI although a common incident, it is preventable through proper training and routine vaccinations of all hospital employees NSI continues to be a problem for health and safety. Sharps tools management training should be mandatory for all staff, particularly to staff in high risk area.